Employers: What We can do for You
A Strong Diverse Candidate Network
Adonai Employment, Inc. has access to a large and diverse pool of individuals from whom to recommend qualified candidates for employer openings. These individuals will come from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, and will include individuals with a variety of disabilities.
Subsidized Internships
Adonai sets up work training/internships. We assist employers in determining the suitability of a candidate for a particular job, and help the client determine if the job and environment are a good fit.
Employer Disability Awareness Training
Awareness training can be provided at the work site for co-workers as well as workshops for supervisors that will cover how to supervise those with disabilities most effectively. We show employers how the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act (WFEA) affect them.
Reduce Payroll Costs
We help employers reduce payroll costs by providing Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) qualified candidates. We also aid in creative job filling strategies such as job sharing, which will reduce employer benefits costs.
On Site Job Analysis
We work sites and study each aspect of a job, breaking down tasks into individual parts. We provide alternative training methods based on task analysis to individuals with different learning styles.
On Site Job Coaching
Adonai provides an experienced job coach to help clients learn jobs and build natural supports in the workplace.
Post Hiring Follow-up and Issue Resolution
We provided follow up through each individual's first 90 days on the job, staying in communication with both the employee and employer, and offering help in resolving any issues that arise.